Do you want to publish your Iconic Project? Is it trying to develop an architectural dialect and a contemporary manifestation? Great! Now you can be a part of the pioneer spirit by submitting new ideas; the crystallization of architectural concepts and theories.
Please send text and images of your Villa project to one of the following addresses:
Please provide a link to the project materials using a free file storage service such as dropbox or google drive. Project materials include:
Submission Materials Images – high quality - jpg format Photographs - high quality - jpg format project’s description – word document format Architect’s info (biography and profile image) drawings and diagrams (jpg or pdf format) sketches or any other related content
We don't have formal criteria for selecting projects but in general are looking for content that is fresh, innovative, newsworthy, has a good story behind it and fantastic images. We get tons of submissions and we can't reply to everyone, although we do try to look at everything.
Notice: Please provide a link to the project materials using a free file storage service such as dropbox or google drive. plans, elevations, sections, design diagrams, project images(at least 1000*1000 pixels in dimension) and a photography of architect(s).
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Villa Magazine Data Controller/protector Amirabbas Aboutalebi
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