This is an interview with Joeri van Ommeren by AmirAbbas Aboutalebi about villa typology, has been published in Villa Magazine, No.8
Villa Do you consider villas as an independent typology in architecture?
Ommeren Yes, villas are definitely and independent typology, given the fact that they have several parameters in common. Generic parameters, such as a limited amount of users (mostly one family maximum) a program of requirements focused on living and elements that can be found in a regular house. However, the uniqueness of the design solutions makes a villa one of a kind. The clients wish to form the identity of each villa, strengthened by influences of its locations and detailing the uniqueness of the villa is granted.
Villa parameters such as spacious and luxurious living spaces can be found in the floating villa we designed. The double high space at the waterside is magnificent. The energy-neutral aspect was a wish of the client, however, it should be easy and comfortable living, so the installations should be ‘foolproof’.
Villa Do you agree with this statement? “Designing villas is a more appropriate topic for practicing and experiencing the intellectual approach of leading architects and architectural offices.”
Ommeren I think experience is needed to design a good villa. However, a good design deserves some ‘freshness’ in the approach of the architect. In the design of (floating) villa’s, we can reflect our bigger designs. We can learn a lot form the villa design when it comes to grasping the essence. This we can reflect on our bigger scale projects. The other way around, we also use the huge amount of knowledge we gained in the design of the big scale projects in our villa’s.
Villa Why sometimes architects call their villa project, a house?
Ommeren I think each villa is a house, but not every house is a villa.
Villa In your opinion, what is the most distinct difference between a house and a villa?
Ommeren The user and location-specific designed elements, based on a luxurious way of living. A villa is always one of a kind.
Villa Which category does your project belong to? Urban/rural villa, Permanent villa (residence)/ Temporary villa (leisure)
Ommeren permanent villa
Villa If Villa Magazine was to throw a worldwide competition for villas, which kind of categorizing do you prefer?
A: Villas below 100 m², 100-250 m², 250-500 m², 500-1000 m² and more
B: Mountain villas, Forest villas, Beach villas, Desert villas, …
A: 100-250m2
B: A villa in the mountains near the Darband. I am in love with Iran. I visited last year and hope to come back soon. Hopefully to work on a project in which we can combine the knowledge of the international Design experience we have with the local knowledge and influences in Iran.
Another great concept might be to design a contemporary villa in places such as Yazd.
Villa What suggestions and criticisms do you have about our work?
Ommeren Your website and magazine look amazing. keep on the good work!
I think it is great to show the world the Iranian contemporary architecture, and show Iran the architecture of the world.
Hanieh Farajzadeh ll villanews