Phone: +31(0)207781567
Email: info@studioprototype.nl
Website: http://www.studioprototype.nl/
The building industry is currently subject to great change. It is precisely within this changing world that new opportunities arise. In 2008, the year the economic crisis was first felt, studio PROTOTYPE arises, a multidisciplinary design studio for architecture and urbanism based in Amsterdam.
In this changing new world, we as designers are forced to take positions. In this world there is a need for a new fundament, our unique designs rise from craftsmanship and do not ascend in the volatile world of today, but can stand the test of time. The building's age in a fine manner, retaining their physical value for the context, making especially these kinds of buildings sustainable.
Finely detailed and elaborate buildings arise thinking from the material, whose properties are decisive for the design, construction and detailing. Form Follows Material.
In order to come to an elaborate design, existing development techniques are inadequate.
We are forced to produce and test new physical models at different scales, which give the user and the client better understanding of the specific aspects of the design: prototyping. For each process, new techniques are used and combined, which meet new (quality-) standards and regulations.
Buildings cannot be built in isolation, but stem from a framework of unique constraints. Therefore, our designs are developed within a multidisciplinary network, pooling expertise and often complementing expertise from outside the building industry.
For example, from the automotive and marine industries, sectors that are better known in the field of integrated process approach.
To ensure quality in the implementation, existing tender conventions are often broken.
Creative tender tactics and design & build structures offer the customer better quality for the same budget. In this way, the studio PROTOTYPE has gained experience in the field of implementation and thus moves completely against the prevailing trend among architects.
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