Website: https://www.christian-muller.com/
CMA (Christian Müller Architects) and SeARCH (Stedenbouw en ARCHitectuur) are two international Dutch architectural firms design and run Villa Vals
The striking characteristic of Christian Müller Architects is an unusual imaginative flexibility in project-approach. Contents are demerged, exposed and fused again with ease. We allow us to be formed by modern art, literature and travels. With a pragmatic attitude we push forward our ambition of working on today’s challenging urban and architecture developments.
SeARCH works on architectural projects and urban planning and researches new building products & materials.The different scale levels in our design projects all have the same ‘weight of importance’ for SeARCH and are developed simultaneously from the first sketch on. The division between architecture, landscape and urban planning, detail and technique, is therefore not relevant. To SeARCH architecture and urban planning are always supportive.
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