Padir Consulting Engineers

Padir Consulting Engineers


Saeed Mirmohamad Sadeghi & Ladan Zarei Finalist in the 8th Memar Award – 2008 for Building No. 11 Honourable Mention in the 14th Memar Award - 2014 for No. 83 – An Office Building First Place in the 9th Iranian Interior Design Award – 2016 for Villa No. 1090 Honourable Mention in the 16th Memar Award - 2016 for Villa No. 1090 Nominated for the 2nd stage judgement process, 2A Award – 2017 for Villa No. 1090 First Place (shared) in the 10th Iranian Interior Design Award – 2017 for Villa No. 30 Second Place (shared) in the 17th Memar Award – 2017 for Villa No. 30 Finalist in the 17th Memar Award - 2017 for Villa No. 39 After graduating with master degree in architecture in 2000 from Azad University, Hamedan Branch, Saeed Mirmohamad Sadeghi and Ladan Zarei, began their carrier with working in Razahang Consulting Engineers. They started their independent professional activities in 2003 and, after establishing Padir Consulting Engineers, designed a wide range of residential, commercial and institutional projects which received several recognitions from architectural competitions. Saeed Mirmohamad Sadeghi and Ladan Zarei are currently involved in architectural filed in Tehran and Toronto. In addition to focusing on architectural design, Padir Consulting Engineers has extended its activities to construction of architectural projects.

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