Email: kamalkamooneh@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.khalvatememar.com
The engineer Kamal Kamooneh, born in 1933 in Tehran, finished his education in Architecture in Tehran University of Fine Arts. Along with the years of his education, he got acquainted with engineer Nezam Ameri, one the celebrated students of Frank Loyd Wright which made him interested in Loyd's school of thought. This acquaintance led to the establishment of Ameri-Kamooneh-Khosravi consulting group corporation in 1963. The result was designing, consulting and performing of about 90 projects in hospital and sanitation, trading, residential, service industry and … all over Iran before the Islamic Revolution.
Afterwards, Komooneh Architects Corporation was established in 1990 by engineer Kamal Kamooneh and started his projects firmly. In fact, he continued what he used to do under Ameri-Komooneh-Khosravi (which was the representative of Frank Loyd Wright Foundation in Iran). Of this group's many features, one can mention its special attention to light, water, planting and natural and local material in many different organic forms for a better welfare of human beings.