

Phone: 021-22 28 72 12

Website: http://www.ayenehoffice.com/



Atefeh Karbasi

Phd in architecture from Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Iran 2004. Master of landscape from faculity of Fine Art, Tehran university, Iran 2006 and Professor assistant of Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran.

Ali Soltani

Master of architecture from Art University of Tehran, Iran 2004 and Founder of Ayeneh office.

Ali Dehghani

Master of architecture from Art University of Tehran, Iran 2005 and founder of Ayeneh office.

Ayeneh office Awards
1st Place in residential buildings of “Memar Award” 2012
2nd Place in public buildings of “Memar Award” 2012

1st Place in residential buildings of “Iranian Interior Design Award” 2012
1st place in public buildings of "Facade Design Award"2012

3rd Place in public buildings of “Memar Award” 2013
shortlisted in the category of shopping "WAF2013"

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