

Phone: +370 5 271 1808

Fax: +370 5 271 1807




The first steps of the architectural studio began in 1993. The students or absolvents of Vilnius Gediminas technical university, Rolandas Liola, Arūnas Liola, and Tomas Grunskis trooped together for the co-creative activity. In 1995, when Edgaras Neniškis joined the colleagues, the folding team was formed. Later the team changed, however the unifying fold, later the co-owners‘ kernel – R.Liola, A.Liola, E.Neniškis – remained. At the beginning of the co-creative activity, they worked with small architectural objects and interiors. This is the time of Searching and experimentation. At that time they cooperated and implemented the common projects with the sculptor Ignas Šimelis. In 1998 Eugenijus Januškevičius joined the collective. In 2000 the office was moved out and arranged a studio in Vilnius. The JSC „Architektūros estetikos studija“ is established in 2002. The range of projected objects expanded: individual houses, interiors, recreational buildings, public, commercial and urban projects. From 2002 to 2004 the studio cooperated with Liutauras Nekrošius. The geography of projected objects also expanded – that is Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Montenegro. They participate in architectural competitions successfully. Since 2007 the title „Architektūros estetikos studija“ has been changed to its short version „Arches“. Many young and creative people joined the studio collective. Nowadays it is a dynamic and creative studio of architecture.

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